Current Volunteer Vacancies
Volunteer dementia support officer on the GFG minibus.
We provide a pick-up service for people living with dementia and their carers to attend a dementia groups. We are looking for a volunteer to accompany the passengers on the minibus and to help in the dementia activity sessions.
Volunteer at the Community Pantry
We run a pantry providing subsidized groceries, pastries and toiletries. We need a volunteer to help stock the shelves, take payment from customers, help with packing and general assistance, Tuesday 9am to 4pm and Friday 2pm -4pm – any morning or afternoon session as suits your availability.
Environmental volunteers
The landscaping around the Wellbeing Centre needs constant attention. We are looking for volunteers to help with weeding, trimming bushes, litter picking and planting. This can be anytime during the week.
Repair Café
The second Thursday every month we run a Repair Café. Do you have any repair skills ? We need you !
Please contact us if you feel any of these roles may suit you. We reimburse expenses and provide a free pantry bag as a way to say thank you for your valued contribution.